
About Indefinite Leave to Remain

Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) is designed to allow people who work or have family in the UK to settle. It allows you to work, study, and obtain benefits in the UK and it can be used to apply for British Citizenship eventually. Your circumstances will decide how you apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain.

In extenuating circumstances, the requirements for ILR may be waived, or the application time moved forward. This can be applicable if a spouse visa holder is a victim of domestic violence or their partner dies, for example.

To apply for an ILR visa, you will be required to provide several supporting documents, including biometric information (fingerprints and photo ID).

Our experienced solicitors will be able to help you with more in-depth information about your eligibility for ILR and the requirements you’ll need to meet. We will assess your circumstances and tailor advice to help you gain your ILR.

Applying for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR)

You work in the UK

If you’re already in the UK on a work visa, you may be able to apply for ILR. You must have been living in the UK for between 2-5 years, the exact requirement varies based on which visa you are on. There are other requirements you may need to meet based on your visa, but our team are experts at ILR and are ready to help.

Family in the UK

If you have family in the UK that are British Citizens or they already have ILR, you may be eligible to apply. Your exact circumstances will dictate the application route, and our team will review this with you during your consultation.

You have lived in the UK for ten years

In June 2022, the UK opened up this ILR application route for people who have lived in the UK for ten years. Your eligibility will depend on your circumstances.

You’re a Commonwealth Citizen

If you’re in the UK on an Ancestry Visa, you’ll be able to apply once you’ve lived in the UK for five years. You may also have right of abode in the UK, or access to Citizenship. Our team will be able to check your eligibility and guide you through the relevant application/s step-by-step.

Other Routes

There are various other ways you may be eligible to apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain:

  • You are a refugee
  • You have humanitarian protection
  • You have Discretionary Leave
  • You are returning to the UK
  • You’ve previously had Indefinite Leave to Remain
  • You served in the armed forces